Washington Island Facts
Over 700 year ‘round residents. Estimates have been made of 4000 summer residents and with day and overnight visitors, numbers as high as 10,000 a day have been estimated, particularly on a big weekend such as the Fly-In or Scandinavian Fest Weekend.
The Island is about 7 miles by 4 miles. The actual area according to Data Processing in the Door County Courthouse, is 22.469 square miles, or 14,380.7 acres. There are about 65 miles of road on the Island, and most of them are paved.
Washington Island is approximately 270 miles from Chicago, 180 miles from Milwaukee, 90 miles from Green Bay, 45 miles from Sturgeon Bay.
Washington Island, Rock Island and Detroit Island make up the Town of Washington. There is a Town Board that includes a Chairman and four Supervisors. The Town office is located in the Community Center on Main Road.
Washington Island School houses Kindergarten through 12th grade and a preschool program. Average class size on the Island is three to five students.
There is a local REA, electric plant, but the Island is serviced with electrical power from the mainland via a submarine cable. The local plant is utilized during temporary power outages from the mainland.
Island homes and businesses are serviced by private wells and private septic systems. A well driller comes over from the mainland to drill wells.
There is a Medical Clinic located within the Community Center on Main Road. The Island also has excellent emergency service with trained Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and two well-equipped ambulances. Emergencies are handled at the Island clinic, or if necessary, people are transported by ferry, helicopter, or Coast Guard boat to a mainland hospital for any additional treatment required.
There is an active Washington Island Volunteer Fire Department here with up-to-date training and equipment.
The Island has a Police Department with 2 year round officers.
During the summer months, a Vetmobile makes regular visits to the Island for the treatment of pets. If emergency care is needed between visits there are several Vets in the county where care is offered.
There is a grass runway that is usable all year round. The runways are kept mowed in the summer and plowed in the winter.
CHURCHES: There are several denominations that meet regularly.
The Washington Island Recreation Center was a gift to the Island from John and Jane Mosling in 1986. Groundbreaking was held in June of 1987, and the facility was officially opened in the spring of 1988. There is a swimming pool, hot tub, exercise room, community room, lobby and outdoor tennis courts. Visitors can purchase short-term passes to use the facilities.
There are many active organizations here that sponsor special events during the year, particularly during the summer months. Also check local bulletin boards and the Island newspaper for other activities. We have our own “Little Lake” and “Little Mountain” which has steps and a lookout tower for visitors to climb and enjoy the panoramic view. The Community Center houses a Public Library (books and videos and wireless internet inside and outside) which has summer programs for children. The Washington Island Archives is also located in the Community Center. Museums, the Art and Nature Center, Sievers School of Fiber Arts, and the Trueblood Performing Arts Center are other places of interest to check out.
Town Parks include the Sand Dunes Beach and Schoolhouse Beach and People's Park, Red Barn Beach and Playground. A County Park, named after Island resident, Percy Johnson, is located at the end of Lakeview Road. Rock Island State Park can be reached by boat from the state dock in Jackson Harbor.
There is a branch office of Nicolet Bank, a Post Office, a local newspaper office (The Washington Island Observer), motels, B & B’s, restaurants, hardware, lumber, and grocery stores, gift and book shops, marinas.
EMERGENCY: If you should need emergency assistance while on the Island for fire, rescue, or police, dial 9-1-1.